I don't have a word for today other than "incredible." We started the day prayer walking in Via Magna, and I got to walk with Kenzie. I love hearing that girl pray. She remembers everything we've ever prayed for, and she prays very sensitively for a lot of people. I loved it. We ran into a member of the CPD missions team, so she was able to talk and pray with my friend, which both needed to do--and then we were able to visit with the main church planting lady in her house, which was lovely.
But this afternoon! This afternoon we did a gospel distribution in a neighborhood very close to my friend's house, and we split into three teams, each with a Spanish speaker (I'm very amused that I now count as a Spanish speaker). Each team got a street, and we just walked up and down the streets with Gospels of John, offering a Gospel to every house. I'm still nervous talking to men (I honestly don't know what's appropriate here), but I was able to give several men Gospels, and several younger men indicated an interest in studying the Bible and in English class. I ran into one girl who has actually read some of the Bible, and she was really glad that we're out in the neighborhood making sure that people have access to at least part of the Word of God. What was truly amazing, however, was that in our last house (not the last house on the street--just the last house we got to spend time around), a lady answered the door, and she was tremendously open to know more about the Bible. I don't know how long I talked to her, but I really believe she'll be open to studying. She and her husband were both really open, and they asked many questions--about the Bible, about Revelation, about what Baptists believe about Mary--and it was just an incredible encounter. All three of our teams had wonderful encounters in this neighborhood today, and I so look forward to seeing what God does. Several of the people indicated an interest in coming to Krispy Kreme tomorrow for English hour, so please pray that people would be motivated enough to come.
Tonight we were planning to go up on Sierra Gorda and pray over the city, but the gate at the top was locked, so we ended up heading down to the Centro for a light show. As it turned out, however, tonight was dance night in the square, so they weren't having a light show. While we were standing there, I saw a tall, younger lady with a child, and she kept looking at us, so I looked for a natural reason to go talk to her. I finally had an opportunity, and I found out that she's lived here for a year but doesn't have any friends--or a cell phone, or a home phone. But she did end up taking my number and saying she'd call me from a public phone. She also has email. I asked her if she'd be interested to go out for coffee before I went back to the States, and she really seemed to like the idea.
Please pray that we would have people who are hungry enough to respond to what we've been offering. Pray that they would take the steps to contact us--especially the people who have my number, but who haven't given me theirs. Please pray for the girl I met this evening, and for the family I met during the gospel distribution. Pray for open doors with them. Also please pray for continued protection for the team's health. My head is all kinds of nasty, and I don't seem to be beating it, and several members of the team are having sinus problems.
Thank you for praying!
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