

This morning CPD celebrated the Lord's Supper. There's something special about participating in the Lord's Supper for the first time with a group--it's such a potent reminder of our identity in Christ, our belonging in Him, and what He's done for us. I felt so privileged to be there today, to celebrate it with people who so stand out from their home culture, just by virtue of having adopted ordinances instead of sacraments.

This morning I taught the girls' class and showed them pictures from Canada. They had done homework on Zimbabwe from last week, and they were awesome. Then my friend and I met with the church's missions team this afternoon for continued planning, and it was beautiful to see God bring it all together. They'll be having a special event for Valentine's Day, and I really look forward to seeing what God does through that. I love their passion to reach their lost friends and neighbors, to start a new church in their area. It's pretty incredible to interact with a church that wants to start a church.

Please pray for the church as it seeks a pastor. Pray for unity and for the congregation to seek the right man, and to seek for the right reasons.

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